Life Purpose Scan Adult™

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Common scenarios to recheck the impact your self-talk is having on your decision making, well-being, relationships, and future plans.

Before making a career change or after you unexpectedly lose your job.

After you learn the baby is on the way to get a baseline to help you prepare for change. 

Before your kids enter their teenage years demanding more attention and patience.

After a major relocation to check how much resilience and endurance are left in your tank.

Before the constant pressure to perform leads to chronic busyness or burnout.

After receiving bad news about your health to  prepared for your journey.

Before your start a side-hustle or volunteer role to evaluate your readiness.

After receiving a promotion to ensure you have the capacity to pour into others.

The Life Purpose Scan Adult

Provides 17 clarifying insights to help you understand how your self-talk is affecting your decision-making, well-being, relationships, and future plans.


The LPS Adult Online Experience (only takes 10 minutes to complete)

Personalized Growth Opportunity Dashboard

45 Minute Guided Discovery Session with a Certified LPS Coach

Certified Coaches

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