Life Purpose Scan Youth™

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Common scenarios to recheck the impact your self-talk is having on your decision making, well-being, relationships, and future plans.

Before entering your freshman year of high school or college.

After going through a difficult breakup with someone you've been dating for awhile.

Before you start cramming for midterms, finals, or a standardized test.

Before, and 8-12 weeks after, you start taking a new RX to support your mental health.

Before you start a new athletic season where you feel pressure to be at your best.

After you experience a traumatic event ... like parents divorcing or loss of a loved one. 

Before you make a major life decision ... like ending a relationship, changing schools, quitting the team.

After you receive devastating news ... like failing a class, not being accepted into a major/school, etc.

The Life Purpose Scan Youth

Provides 17 clarifying insights to help you understand how your self-talk is affecting your decision-making, well-being, relationships, and future plans.


The LPS Youth Online Experience (only takes 10 minutes to complete)

Personalized Growth Opportunity Dashboard

45 Minute Guided Discovery Session with a Certified LPS Coach

Certified Youth Coaches

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"Every morning I greet the students as they come through the front doors. Most teenagers are really good at putting on their "everything's cool" face. Prior to having access to the insights from the Life Purpose Scan it was difficult to tell who was struggling. You've helped me look beyond their outward appearance and impressive performance to know who needs more attention from our team. I can't wait to see all the lives we will impact in the future. Thank you for partnering with Johns Creek High School." Chris Shearer, Principal.

Chris Shearer

Principal, Johns Creek High School

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